Intimate astonishments

The­re are peo­ple that per­cei­ve dif­fe­rently. For some reason they deve­lo­ped one sen­se abo­ve the others, or have a spe­cial com­mu­ni­ca­tion with one. We could name it as a sen­si­ti­ve spi­rit, per­vious­ness towards art… in any case it is a very strong and ins­tan­ta­neo­us bond with what it is obser­ved, lis­te­ned or tou­ched. Most of the­se encoun­ters stay in a very pri­va­te sphe­re. Inti­ma­te, unsha­rea­ble, perisha­ble asto­nish­ments. The­re are tho­se for­tu­na­te ones that can regis­ter this per­cei­ving skill, and in what they regis­ter, a tra­ce of the ori­gi­nal encoun­ter can be felt. We see this record without con­fir­ming a bor­der bet­ween the invol­ved, tur­ning us in another seed insi­de the rattle.

Under the­se con­di­tions, the por­trait of a per­son, a sce­ne or an ins­tant is a spi­de­r’s web of corres­pon­den­ces; a cap­su­le of vibra­tions, youths, emo­tions, rituals, grief and silences.


Pho­tos: Lin­da McCart­ney. Sour­ce: joli­ta (live­jour­nal)

Портрет Джона Леннона 1968 года, показанный на выставке фотографий Линды Маккартни

Джон Леннон (John Lennon), 1968

John Len­non

jim morrison 1968

Jim Morri­son

mick jagger 1966

Mick Jag­ger

пол маккартни в позе мыслителя

janis joplin 1967

Janis Joplin

автопортрет линды маккартни, сделанный за несколько месяцев до ее смерти

семья маккартни в шотландии

linda mccartney by paul mccartney

пол маккартни пересматривает фотографии линды маккартни

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